Thursday, March 11, 2010

ERP Implementation in Oil Refineries

By Muhammad Mubashir Nazir, ACCA, CISA

Published in Daily Business Recorder Karachi on 25 August 2005

Over recent years the acquisition, implementation and use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems have become a standard feature of most national and multinational companies in Pakistan. Todate most of the literature on ERP implementation has focused on the standard methodologies of ERP implementations.

This article focuses on ERP implementation specifically in refining industry and highlights the issues faced by implementers in this industry.

Axline Markus defines ERP systems as "commercial software packages that enable the integration of transaction-oriented data and business processes throughout an organisation".

ERP systems provide cross-organization integration through embedded business processes and are generally composed of several modules, including human resources, sales, assets management, procurement, project management etc. World's leading ERPs include SAP, Oracle, Peoples Soft and JD Edwards.

During the 1990s ERP systems were the de-facto standard for replacement of legacy (old) systems in large companies around the globe. In Pakistan, a large number of national and multinational companies, including Sui Southern Gas Corporation, Pak Arab Refinery Limited (Parco), Pakistan Tobacco Company, ICI Pakistan Limited, Pakistan State Oil, Shell Pakistan Limited, Unilever Pakistan Limited etc, have implemented or going to implement ERPs system.

The impact of ERP systems is so broad, touching many internal and external aspects of an organisation's operations, that the successful implementation and use of these systems are critical to organisational performance and survival.

Various oil refineries in Pakistan e.g. National Refinery (NRL), Pakistan Refinery (PRL) and Parco have recently implemented SAP and Oracle Financials applications to streamline their business processes. Major business processes of an oil refinery include procurement of crude oil and other feed stock, inventory management for hydrocarbons and stores and spares, product sales, production planning and scheduling, assets management, financial and operational budgeting and financial and managerial reporting.

Following a tested implementation methodology is a prerequisite for successful ERP implementation. All implementation methodologies e.g. Oracle Application Implementation Methodology (AIM), Accelerated SAP (ASAP) etc suggest at least five phases of ERP implementation: Define; Design; Build; Transition; and Go Live & Support.

Some methodologies split a phase into two and someones merge two phases into one. These phases have been depicted.

During "Define" phase, the company implementing the ERP should clearly determine the objectives of ERP implementation, business process change strategy and its specific information requirements (e.g. production quantities at various temperature and pressure levels in an oil refinery).

Current (as-is) and future (to-be) business processes should be documented. A dedicated project team should be developed and trained for ERP implementation. Various ERP systems should be evaluated on the basis of information requirements of the company.

A gap analysis should be performed between specific requirements of the refining industry and features available in the ERP products and the best-fit product should be selected. Data conversion requirements should be analysed. Readiness plan for senior and middle management should be developed.

In "Design" phase, information requirements should be mapped with the features of selected ERP. Technical architecture and interfaces of various applications with ERP should be designed, data transition strategy should be developed, functional and technical design of databases and applications should be finalised, and user learning plan should be developed.

During "Build" phase, interfaces between various applications should be developed, application forms & reports should be customised if required, data conversion programs should be developed, user guides and necessary reference material should be prepared, and applications and interfaces should be tested for all business scenarios in an integrated environment.

In this phase, all users of the applications should be provided with adequate training. User acceptance testing must also be performed in this phase. "Transition" phase involves applications setup and conversion of legacy systems data into the new system.

"Go Live & Support" phase is the final phase in ERP Implementation. In this phase, ERP should be assessed for its effectiveness, all errors appeared in live environment should be removed, legacy systems should be decommissioned, and future information requirements should be analysed.

During implementation of ERPs at oil refineries, few tasks are critical for making the project successful. These tasks, as depicted in Figure 2, include business requirements analysis, mapping business solution with company's requirements, business process re-engineering, development of interfaces with other applications, data conversion from legacy to new system, and user readiness.

The reason of major ERP failures at oil refineries is that these steps are not adequately handled during the implementation.

Oil refineries usually require unique sets of information for their operations. For example volumes of hydrocarbons change with a change in temperature or pressure. An Oil & Gas Accounting system should be capable to convert the volumes of hydrocarbons at natural temperature & pressure to those at specific temperatures (e.g. 85 F).

Similarly, an Oil & Gas Accounting System should maintain calibration charts and records of dips to determine the product quantities. A refinery consists of a chain of process units (e.g. crude distillation unit, hydro-treating unit, catalytic cracking unit etc) Output of one unit may be input for other unit(s). Production Scheduling Software for the refinery must have capability to record the flow of raw materials and semi-finished goods from one unit to the other.

Most of the ERPs do not provide the features to capture refinery specific information. Oil refining companies usually develop their in-house systems for oil & gas accounting, refinery management and production scheduling.

During ERP implementations, if refinery-specific information requirements are not correctly captured during "Requirements Analysis Task", it results in ERP failure because the new ERP is not in a position to satisfy the information requirements of top and middle management.

Similarly incorrect mapping of business processes with application features may result in complete ERP failure because the system will not be able to capture all business processes according to company requirements.

If a refining company decides to develop its in-house application to meet its specific information requirements, it takes a long time to develop and implement the application. Debugging of a new application takes a long time, which results in overall delay in the project.

Development of interfaces and their testing requires more resources, effort and time. Problems in poorly-designed interfaces result in failure of entire project.

Legacy systems of oil refinery usually do not work in an integrated environment. They do not have enough capabilities to record the information as compared to new ERP systems. During implementation, it becomes difficult to fill all the required fields of new systems due to which data conversion exercise faces a lot of problems.

Mapping of fields in new and old system also becomes a major issue because the users are familiar to old conventions and it is very difficult for them to recognise the new chart of account, new supplier and customer codes etc.

Lack of change-management skills in project team also results in project failure. As Peter Drucker points out, "Experience has shown that grafting innovation on to a traditional enterprise does not work. The enterprise has to become a change agent... Instead of seeing change as a threat, its people will come to see it as an opportunity."

In my opinion, the biggest problem in ERP implementation in oil refineries is inadequate user readiness. Most refineries at Pakistan are owned by the public sector. A significant number of employees in these refineries are not properly trained to use an ERP.

It is a recognised fact today that if a technical solution such as an ERP does not induce necessarily the expected changes, it is not because of the technology, it is due to lack of adequate social changes required for the success of an ERP system.

Technology itself does not induce the social game, the collective process. Only people together are able to make a success, or a failure, or neutralise technical systems, especially complex ones such as ERPs. In the words of Ann Miller points out "People are always key to any process improvement, so methods to help staff ramp up on the learning curve of a technology or process are extremely important."

ERP implementers should keep in mind a few realities while planning for change management. Firstly, facing change, one should remain modest because the collective game builds itself without obeying to any single will or to any predefined planning.

Actors have to build the story together. Secondly, one should not start from the ERP technical solutions, but from problems to solve, that is to identify actual needs before making an adapted and robust technical offer.

Thirdly, in order to be able to analyse problems and evaluate needs, one should remain attentive to people and social behaviour so that help in educating people can be provided: both individual education (learning what the ERP modules are doing and how to use them) and collective education (learning how to integrate the ERP in each department or service operational practices).

For example, mastering all the new accounting capabilities of the ERP Finance module requires building a new knowledge base among all the individuals first, then in the Accounting Department(s) as a whole. Actually, any success will depend on the collective evolution of the organisation.

As far as resistance to change is concerned, the most problematic issue is that there is no resistance to change per se, neither because of habits gained, nor because of any "social inertia".

However, resistance to change does occur and has got a twofold origin: technology resists and social organisations too. Technology resists because it has got its own principle of reality: for example an ERP by itself will never be able to deliver manufactured goods, only a co-ordinated organisation can. Social organisations themselves have their own principle of reality.

They do not resist just for the sake of resisting, but build their needs depending on their goals and evolution of beliefs.

When technology meets a market ready to pay for it, there is no resistance. Just to make sure, see the speed with which such technologies as fax machines or mobile phones have spread.

Resistance to IT was caused by being tired of forced computerisation failures and tired of forced obsolescence of hardware, software and IT concepts. Operational users are fed up with-this ongoing race to innovation, since the situation they are living in is not yet stabilised.

The discourse about the "technological plus" has come to some discredit among users who do not hesitate any more to express their concern. Technology evolves at such a pace that it generates what is called "techno-stress" among staff at all levels of an organisation.

In fact, workers say they are "techno-stressed" because they have to learn, know and use technologies that are constantly evolving. Moreover, they consider they have little control over the choice of technologies to use and they lack training on them.

Five major factors have been identified as generating "techno-stress": System problems; computing errors; Learning time for getting used to new technologies due to the fact that technologies said to be "time-saving", increase tasks more than they alleviate them; and also the difficulty of following the fast evolving technologies.

To this, one can add the "technology-aided employee scrutiny" which results in job loss of those employees who are not capable enough to update themselves with the fast-moving technology.

According to various surveys, it seems that "techno-stress" is more and more affecting executives and managers. They fear IT generates a loss of privacy, an information overload, a lack of personal contacts, a need for a continuous learning of new skills and the missing of promotion due to lack of IT knowledge. Managers who frequently avoid technologies and suffer from a lack of technical knowledge, have nevertheless to make decisions about buying expensive IT equipment and have to manage investment, education and support budgets.

Moreover, it seems that managers who are familiar with technologies also suffer some "techno-stress" because of the fast changing pace of IT in short, the preceding human factors are paramount when it comes to ERP implementation and may explain to some extend why an ERP needs a lot of care and support when deployed in an organisation both by internal management and external consultants.

Although these issues can be faced by any organisation but due to lack of skilled and motivated staff, refineries in public sector usually face these problems around the globe. We expect that in near future, if properly implemented with all issues addressed properly, ERP systems will become an integral part of oil refineries information systems.

Muhammad Mubashir Nazir
August 2005

Thursday, March 4, 2010

characteristics that an analyst examines when choosing or defining the deployment environment.

Analysts must consider the configuration of computer equipment, operating systems, and networks that will exist when the new application system is deployed.

• Configuration of

-Computer hardware
-System software
-Development tools

> Development environment – programming languages, CASE tools, and other software used to develop application software

>Java and Visual Studio .NET are examples

>Application deployment environment decisions limit development tool choices
• Operating system environment
• Database management system (DBMS)
• Distributed software standard

• Existing environment generally considered and compared with proposed environment

Deployment Environment Characteristics to Consider

• Compatibility with system requirements
• Compatibility among hardware and system software
• Required interfaces to external systems
• Conformity with IT strategic plan and architecture plans
• Cost and schedule

Defining the Application Deployment Environment

• Centralized Systems
• Distributed Computing
• The Internet and Intranets
• Development and System Software Environments
• The Environment at Rocky Mountain Outfitters

Defining the Application Deployment Environment
Application deployment environment: The configuration of computer equipment, operating systems, and networks for the new system.

In selecting an appropriate solution, analysts need to first consider the application deployment environment. By application deployment environment, we mean the configuration of computer equipment, operating systems, and networks that will exist when the new application system is deployed. The client and users of the new system are obviously most interested in the functions of the application itself because they need it to carry out the business of the organization. However, the application does not function in a vacuum. There must be a stable environment of supporting components to enable it to execute successfully. If the environment is not suitable and stable, then the application will not function. An important part of any project is defining and ensuring that the application deployment environment is defined, developed, and deployed so that it is stable. The following sections describe various alternative processing environments.

Centralized Systems
Centralized mainframes are generally used for large-scale batch processing applications. Such applications are common in industries such as banking, insurance, and catalog sales. Information systems in such industries often have the following characteristics:

• Some input transactions do not need to be processed in real-time (e.g., out-of-state checks delivered in large nightly batches from central bank clearinghouses).
• On-line data entry personnel can be centrally located (e.g., a centrally located group of telephone order takers can serve geographically dispersed customers).
• Large numbers of periodic outputs are produced by the system (e.g., monthly credit card statements mailed to customers).
Any application that has two or three of these characteristics is a viable candidate for implementation on a centralized mainframe.
Single Computer Architecture

As its name implies, single computer architecture places all information system resources on a single computer system and its directly attached peripheral devices. Users interact with the system via simple input/output devices that are directly connected to the computer. Single computer architecture requires that all system users be located near the computer. The primary advantage of single computer architecture is its simplicity.

Clustered and Multicomputer Architectures

A clustered architecture employs a group (or cluster) of computer systems to provide needed processing or data storage and retrieval capacity. Computers from the same manufacturer and model family are networked together. Similar hardware and operating systems allow application programs to execute on any machine in the cluster without modification. In effect, a cluster acts as a single large computer system. Often there is one computer that acts as the entry point to the system. The other computers in the system function as slave computers and are assigned tasks by the controlling computer.

A multicomputer architecture also employs multiple computer systems, but hardware and operating systems are not required to be as similar as in a clustered architecture. Hardware and software differences make it impractical to move application programs from one machine to another. Instead, a suite of application programs and data resources is exclusively assigned to each computer system. Even though this architecture is similar to a distributed configuration (discussed in the next section), we classify it as a centralized system since it functions as a single large computer.

Clustered architecture: A group of computers of the same type that have the same operating environment and share resources.

Multicomputer architecture: A group of dissimilar computers that are clustered together.

Distributed Computing
Components of a modern information system are typically distributed across many computer systems and geographic locations. For example, corporate financial data might be stored on a centralized mainframe computer. Personal computers in many locations might be used to access and view periodic reports as well as to directly update the central database. Such an approach to distributing components across computer systems and locations is generically called distributed computing.

Distributed computing: The approach to distributing a system across several computers and locations.

Computer Networks

A computer network is a set of transmission lines, specialized hardware and communication protocols that allow communication among different users and computer systems. Computer networks are divided into two classes depending on the distance they span. A local area network (LAN) is typically less than one kilometer in length and connects computers within a single building or floor. The term wide area network (WAN) can describe any network over one kilometer, though much greater distances spanning cities, countries, continents, or the entire globe are typically implied.

Computer network: A set of transmission lines, equipment and communication protocols to permit sharing of information and resources.

Local area network (LAN): A computer network where the distances are local such as in the same building.

Wide area network (WAN): A computer network across large distances such as a city, state, or nation.

There are many ways to distribute information system resources across a computer network. Users, application programs, and databases can be placed on the same computer system, on different computer systems on the same LAN, or different computer systems on different LANs. Application programs and databases can also be subdivided and each distributed separately.

Client-Server Architecture

Client-server architecture is currently the dominant architectural model for distributing information system resources. Client-server architecture divides information system processes into two classes - client and server. A server computer manages one or more system resources and provides access to those resources through a well-defined communication interface. A client computer uses the communication interface to request resources, and the server responds to those requests. Software that implements the communication interface is usually called middleware.

Router: A piece of equipment that is used to direct information within the network.

Server computer: A computer that provides services to other computers on the network.

Client computer: A computer that requests services from other computers on the network.

Middleware: Computer software that implements communication protocols on the network and helps different systems communicate.

N-Layer Client-Server Architecture

An information system application program can be divided into a set of client and server processes or layers. This approach to client-server architecture is sometimes called three-layer architecture.

Data layer: The layer on a client-server configuration that contains the database.
Business logic layer: The part of a client-server configuration that contains the programs that implement the program logic or the application.
View layer: The part of the client-server configuration that contains the user interface and other components to access the system.
Three-layer architecture: A client-server architecture that contains the three layers of view layer, business logic layer, and data layer.
N-layer architectures or n-tiered architectures: A client-server architecture that contains n layers.

Middleware: Computer software that implements communication protocols on the network and helps different systems communicate.

Enterprise application development (EAD): An approach to developing information systems for enterprise-wide deployment in a distributed fashion.

The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets

The Internet and World Wide Web are becoming increasingly popular frameworks for implementing and delivering information system applications. The Internet is a global collection of networks that are interconnected using a common low-level networking standard—TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The World Wide Web (WWW), also called simply the Web, is a collection of resources (programs, files, and services) that can be accessed over the Internet by a number of standard protocols. The Internet is the infrastructure upon which the Web is based. In other words, resources of the Web are delivered to users over the Internet.

Internet: A global collection of networks that use the same networking protocol--TCP/IP.

World Wide Web (WWW): A collection of resources such as files and programs that can be accessed over the Internet using standard protocols.

An intranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols but is accessible only by a limited set of internal users (usually members of the same organization or workgroup). The term also describes a set of privately accessible resources that are organized and delivered via one or more Web protocols over a network that supports TCP/IP. An intranet uses the same protocols as the Internet and Web but restricts resource access to a limited set of users. An extranet is an intranet that has been extended to include directly related business users outside the organization (e.g., suppliers, large customers, and strategic partners). An extranet allows separate organizations to exchange information and coordinate their activities, thus forming a virtual organization.
Intranet: A private network that is accessible to a limited number of users, but which uses the same TCP/IP protocols as the Internet.
Extranet: An intranet that has been extended outside of the organization to facilitate the flow of information.
Virtual organization: A loosely coupled group of people and resources that work together as though they were an organization.
Virtual private network: A network with security and controlled access for a private group but built on top of a public network such as the Internet.
The Internet as an Application Platform

Internet and Web technologies present an attractive alternative for implementing information systems. Another alternative for implementing remote access for buyers is to construct an application that uses a Web browser interface. Such an application executes on a Web server and is accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. Buyers can use a web browser on their laptop computer and connect to the application via an Internet service provider wherever they’re currently located.

Implementing an application using the Web, an intranet, or an extranet has a number of advantages over traditional client-server approaches to application architecture including wide accessibility, low-cost communication, and widely implemented standards.

Of course, there are negative aspects of application delivery via the Internet and Web technologies including security, reliability, throughput, and volatile standards.

B2B and B2C Applications and Hubs

With the widespread growth of e-commerce, there are many other alternative uses for the Internet. In business-to-business (B2B) relationships, companies such as RMO can also use the Internet to develop relationships with its suppliers. RMO’s suppliers can use Web browser technology to check their inventory levels and automatically replenish them at RMO when order points are reached.

A new type of company has also come into existence to support higher levels of e-commerce. Currently, RMO sends its buyers out to visit different suppliers and establish contracts and purchase agreements. However, this function, too, can be done electronically. One approach to finding suppliers is through a company that acts as an aggregator or an electronic exchange. In this situation, equipment and materials suppliers register with the aggregator, which then acts as a broker to help buyers and sellers get together.

Similar concepts apply in business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships. Many companies have Web sites to promote and sell their own products. However, electronic storefronts are also appearing to provide a centralized shopping location for consumers. Thus, a company like RMO may have its own Web presence, but it may also sell its products through cybermalls and other electronic distributors.

Development and System Software Environments
The development environment consists of the standards and tools that are in use in the organization. For example, specific languages, CASE tools, and programming standards may be required. The system software environment includes operating systems, network protocols, database management systems, and so forth. In some projects, the development and system software environment may be open to choice. In other situations, they must conform to the existing environment. In either case, an important activity of the analysis phase is to determine the components of the environment that will control the development of the new application system.

The important components of the development and system software environment that will affect the project are the language environment and expertise, existing CASE tools and methodologies, required interfaces to other systems, the operating system, and the database system.
